doodle art: Transform Your Idle Moments with the Magic
When you were in school, did you ever get in trouble for drawing on paper? On the other hand, you can be drawing instead of paying attention during business meetings and presentations, giving the impression that you’re preoccupied. You might be astonished to hear that doodle art has significant cognitive benefits from your instructor or supervisor. Instead of fighting the tendency, use it to your advantage by sketching more, thinking more creatively, and learning more efficiently.
Even for those who aren’t artistic or creative, starting with a blank canvas could be daunting. The truth, though, is that anyone may make drawings. They can be drawn with ease. This does not adhere to any certain standard of beauty. Furthermore, regardless of artistic ability, everyone may give it a shot and produce original doodling.
doodle art: What Is It?
When you need to clear your head before a meeting, lecture, or phone call or just want to unwind and meditate, you can find yourself drawing randomly. This is the practice of doodle art, which is drawing, sketching, or scribbling without any specific intention of creating something. Doodling is more about the process than the result, which makes it a form of process art.
Since every drawer’s doodle is different, there is no set standard for how a doodle should appear. Some people draw the same word differently, while others focus on repeating lines or shapes. There is no “wrong” way to doodle; rather, it is a matter of personal preference.
The Advantages of doodle art
Doodling has many mental and physical benefits, so it’s definitely not mindless. Here are a handful of such instances.
Improving Focus and Understanding
A well-known fact is that doodling helps improve focus. Psychological researcher Jackie Andrade found 2009 that those who doodler during lectures or meetings retain more knowledge than those who do not.
Reduce Anxiety
It has been found that doodling can help alleviate stress. Some believe that drawing in a rhythmic fashion, such as with a succession of lines or markings, might help calm the body’s reaction. Additionally, the practice of any kind of artistic expression can reduce the stress hormone cortisol.
Elevate Spirit
Doodling has even more profound mood-boosting effects than reducing stress, which is already known to positively impact disposition. According to the research, it can be a therapeutic way for people to process and express their feelings. This beneficial release makes the brain more spacious, which in turn has a relaxing effect. Making art also increases blood flow to the brain’s prefrontal cortex, which is known to set off happy emotions.
Inspire Originality
Aside from being a fun activity, doodling can help you think more clearly and creatively. Many authors doodle figures and faces in the margins of their manuscripts as a source of inspiration. Doodling can aid in information processing by engaging various brain regions, which fosters idea generation.
What do you require to begin?

Doodling is the most accessible artistic pursuit because of its low entry barrier. The essentials for beginning this artistic pursuit do not require a large financial outlay. Use what’s already on your table as a starting point. Things You’ll Require:
1. Pens and pencils
Get a pen or pencil and start doodling whatever comes to mind. For serious sketching, though, graphite pencils are the way to go. Because of how readily you may erase it, a low HB grade soft pencil is perfect for rapidly adjusting the drawing.
2. Pen Set with Ink
To complete your sketch, you’ll also need an ink pen to outline it. There is a range of tip thicknesses available for these ink pens. So, choose the one that works best with your sketch and the person you’re making. The pen is also necessary for shading your doodling design.
3. Coloring pencils
If you want your doodles to be more vibrant, you can use colored pencils while you draw. Using these pencils, you may offer your figures a variety of hues and give them more characteristics that reflect your ideas.
4. Packs of washable markers
Instead of using pencils, try using washable marker packs. Markers are a great alternative to colored pencils when you don’t feel like getting your hands dirty.
5. A Stationary Sketchpad
You should also try to arrange your work so that you can return to it for analysis or new ideas. A notebook or other drawing book will come in handy for that. For those who enjoy sketching while on the go, a portable sketchpad can be a good investment.
6. A Drawing Sketchpad
A portable notebook is essential for artists who enjoy sketching while traveling.
Where should one begin their journey into the world of doodling?
The predominant use of shapes and lines is a defining feature of doodle art. You will have accomplished near-perfection in your art if you have concentrated on these two foundational areas.
Think about the most fundamental shapes when you’re thinking about shapes. You shouldn’t worry about finding the ideal form. You already know that doodles often have imperfect geometric shapes. There is no such thing as a perfectly formed shape when making hand-drawn art. There are three fundamental forms that you must consider.
- Round and Square Shapes
- Geometric Shapes
- Triangular shapes
Visual alphabets
Learning the fundamental forms will allow you to make a wide variety of doodles, so it’s important to focus on them. Bear in mind the visual alphabets and figure out how to depict them. The visual alphabets are the oval, eye, house, cloud, triangle, rectangle, square, loop, point, line, arc, and angle.
You can make various forms by playing around with them in different ways, which is why we call it basic. These shapes can be transformed into several new forms through refinement. In other words, you can use these shapes as templates to make even more shapes.
You may see and use a wide variety of shapes in your environment. Many common household items, including a basketball, compass, donut, clock, and more, have a circular shape. It is a basic shape.
However, it is possible to observe that certain things possess several shapes. As an illustration, consider an ice cream cone’s triangular shape—the inverted triangle. However, it features a spherical ice cream scoop above it.
Difficult Shapes
But some forms are complicated. A lampshade doodle is one such example. It has a small vertical rectangle shape on one side and a rectangular one on the other. Two forms, an oval, and a rectangle, also comprise the base.
Your ability to perceive several shapes in a given item depends entirely on your perceptional processes. The ability to draw such simple shapes is all that is required. Making the doodle drawings requires a lot of practice. Eventually, you’ll start to notice that the things around you have a variety of shapes. Identifying intricate lines is another requirement.
Improve basic shapes
Considerations for modifying the fundamental forms follow. You can’t expect a lamppost to be perfectly round. It could have diagonal sides or be a quadrilateral shape.
However, simplify this shape first when you do a doodle. The easiest way to start drawing it is as a simple rectangle. The trick to successful doodling is simplifying complicated forms into their components. You will require a pencil, a black pen, and an eraser to make doodling. The first step in making the lamppost doodle is to draw a regular, simple rectangle.
Looking at the distance between the endpoint of your diagonal line and the top corner of your rectangle can help you design the rectangular form more readily. The two sides are equal in length when looking at the distance between the two spots. Alternate shape drawing is something you must master.
Styling Your Doodle
Finding a style for your doodling is the next step. The artwork needs your personal touch, and you may jazz things up in various ways. Patterns, decorations, shading, shadows, varying line widths, etc., are all part of the style.
Doodle art is a great choice if you’re looking for something to occupy your time. In addition to relieving stress, it improves cognitive function. Even for those who aren’t artistic or creative, starting with a blank canvas could be terrifying. The truth, though, is that anyone may make drawings. They can be drawn with ease. This does not adhere to any certain standard of beauty. Furthermore, regardless of artistic ability, everyone may give it a shot and produce original doodling.